Lesson 4 Description
In this lesson I am going to walk you through the steps to having a really good 10 Km run.
I have been running a few 10 Km's/year now for many years and I have found a system that works really well.
Take the time to go through the video before your next 10 Km and incorporate some of my 10 Km racing habits. They work and will make you a better runner.
The best way to test this out is to sign up for some 10 Km's and start practicing.
I like adding 10 Km's in my offseason to keep me active and focused. Adding 1 couple 10 Km's just before the start of your race season proves to be a great test of fitness. I like adding 2 10 Km's before the start of my season as it reveals where I am and can also build my confidence leading into my first Tri.
Happy Racing!
Coach Todd
Lesson 4 - Racing a 10 Km
Action Steps
- Watch Video and Take Notes
- Sign up for 1-2 10 Km's and practice